
Tornado exploit pack

Like most other exploit packs it's written in PHP with a MySQL backend. Control panel supports configuration options for several users (attackers).

Has the ability to control incoming traffic. It can either:

- Ignore
- Redirect
- Display custom page

based on several criteria such as:

- Country of origin
- Visitor uniqueness
- Vulnerable client
- Not vulnerable client

Displays several different statistics based on:

- Victim's Country
- Originating web site (referer)
- Exploits used
- Detailed Log (IP, time, browser, exploit used, infected (yes/no), and referer)
- Overall Summary - OS and Browser breakd down of traffic and exploit effectiveness

Exploit is delivered in the form of obfuscated javascript. Obfuscated ASCII encoded code and decryption function are delivered to the client as a single long line. This content is unique on every visit except certain parts of the decryption routine. Upon successful exploitation another request will be made to the exploit server to a different script which will deliver the binary to execute.

The following is a list of exploits available to the attacker, which can be individually selected to target:

- WebViewFolderIcon.SetSlice
- MS06-044
- WMF Firefox
- WMF Opera 7
- QuickTime
- WinZip
- Zenturi
- Yahoo Webcam
- Opera 9 - 9.20
- XML Core Services
- Java bytecode

Default script for exploit delivery is "count.php", while individual exploit modules are located in the "exploits/" directory with the following naming convention: "x#.php" where # is the numeric value starting with one (1).

Upon successful exploitation another request will be made to retrieve a binary for execution on victim's computer. By default the requested script will be "getexe.exe" with the following parameters:

?o= integer value to identify attacker
&t= integer value represents time the exploit was generated
&i= integer value represent IP address of victim
&e= integer value represents exploit number used

Following is the schema of the database:

CREATE TABLE `stats1` (
`ip` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
`time` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
`country` tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL,
`browser` tinyint(4) default NULL,
`version` varchar(8) default NULL,
`os` tinyint(4) default NULL,
`refdom` varchar(32) default NULL,
`status` tinyint(4) default NULL,
`loader` tinyint(4) default NULL,
`expl` tinyint(4) default NULL

CREATE TABLE `users` (
`id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`user` varchar(16) default NULL,
`pass` varchar(32) default NULL,
`premis` tinytext,
`options` tinytext,
`lasttime` int(10) unsigned default NULL,


Improvements to Zeus

Zeus's development is active these days. Below is a table of release dates for each version:

2008/12/20 -
2008/12/30 -
2009/03/11 -
2009/03/28 -
2009/04/02 -

This change log entry states that during HTTP communication of the Trojan with the C&C server the User-Agent used will be that of system's Internet Explorer. Before, it was a constant string embedded in the binary, which could have raised suspicion or blocked by ISPs.